Kitchen is the holy place where all the good food we eat comes from. If cooked in a nice environment, there are all the more chances that the food may become more delicious! On a serious note, the ambience of a kitchen matters a lot, especially to those who spend a lot of their time in there. The design of the kitchen has to put a lot of thought. Windows are a major contributing factor to the kitchen’s look. A unique and differently window design alters the entire mood of the cooking area.
1. A greenhouse window
A green house window as the name suggests, is a window that opens up to a small garden. Here the other side of the window can’t be put to much use. But the lush green view from inside the kitchen offers the cook a feel-good kick. It would be advisable to have a well kempt and maintained garden to reinforce the effect.
2. Window countertop
Here is a design of a window that can be used from both the sides. This window sill can be used as a table top. It can be adorned with chairs on the other side. These can be used to serve small beverages, over it and also to have a small chit-chat amidst all the cooking.
3. The bay window
This is a window overlooking the neighbor’s area or maybe a wooded backyard. This window can be built over the washing area, rather than the cooking area directly. It is a better option to keep this window closed, and can be used just for the view.

4. Chapel hill kitchen
If your kitchen occupies a perfect corner of the house with two sides available to the outside rather than one, this would be a great idea to implement. This idea requires the two sides that are in direct contact to the outside to be completely made of insulated glass. This makes more than 50 percent of the kitchen transparent from outside. This is the most preferred option, especially if you stay in a location which has more greenery.
5. The wall of windows
Luxurious and rich looking, the wall of windows is the best option to allow as much light to come in as possible. According to this idea, one side of the kitchen is completely adorned with many windows. A few of them can be opened, and a few not. The windows can also be custom made, to be parallel and running along the counter, for maximum utilization of counter space.
6. Window by the corner
A small window looks great by the corner of the kitchen layout. This window opens to the view of the seating area in the balcony or the garden. This is especially helpful for the hands-on moms. This allows them to keep a view on their little ones, while they cook.
7. The protruding window frame
This is a small rectangular piece of glass covered area on the kitchen wall. The main purpose of this is just to allow the cook to see the outer view, which is at eyelevel only. This is extremely modern and new in the market.
8. The high raised windows
Such windows as stated, are raised to a much higher than the normal eye level. These windows are placed in order to welcome as much of sunlight as possible and not for the view. This is a preferred option, where the kitchen is surrounded by roads or busy areas.
9. Peak window
The idea of the window here is in a different design, rather than just a plain boring, square or a rectangle. Triangular shaped peak windows add glamour to the kitchen space.
10. Vaulted ceilings
The age old phenomenon of letting light from the rooftop, is being reinvented by, these vaulted ceilings. The best option if you have kids and don’t want them to be hopping around your kitchen windows.