Category: Environment
Renewable Energy Innovations: Paving the Way for a Sustainable Future
The world is facing challenges related to climate change and environmental degradation. Renewable energy innovations are providing solutions [...]

Oil vs. Gas: Is gas the future?
We’re all familiar with the threat of climate change and one of the burning questions of our time remains: ‘how can we create a greener, more sustaina [...]

How can the print industry stay sustainable?
The print industry has faced a number of challenges throughout its existence, but in 2019 it faces a new challenge – to remain sustainable. Increasing [...]

Waste management and the elderly: A neglected problem?
Year on year, we are seeing the median age of populations around the globe, rise. Due to technological advancements, changing of lifestyles, or simply [...]

Reducing Your Exposure to Air Pollution with Gardening
The UK is facing an air-quality crisis. Arguably, London has been suffering said crisis for a long time already; in 2019, the city had breached its ai [...]

How Does Shopping Impact The Environment?
The environment for one that isn’t a fan of a bargain, and is certainly suffering for these so-called ‘fast-fashion’ trends. While scooping up a dress [...]

Common Welding Types and Their Main Uses
Mankind had been fusing metals together for thousands of years using a range of methods, some of which have not changed for many years. Different meta [...]

What does the future of fuel bring?
Lookers, who offer a variety of car service plans, explore what the future of fuel looks like for the UK. In recent years, diesel has come in for a lo [...]

Alternative Options to the Latte Levy
It wasn’t too long ago when the ‘latte levy’ was pushed back from the British government — a plan that proposed to add an additional 25p charge on eve [...]

What’s in Store for Electric Vehicles in the Future?
What would we be able to anticipate from our electric vehicles? All things considered, the idea of the electric auto may have been around for more tha [...]