Category: Green Living

Steel: An Eco-Friendly Multi-Purpose Building Material
Perhaps you have plans for putting up a garage on your property. Or you’re involved with the management of a local community-based organization in nee [...]

15 Ways to Clear Clutter
If you want to be more productive you have to be organized and learn to implement 15 ways to clear clutter. It would take time and patience to develop [...]

5 Reasons Why Living in an Apartment is More Environmentally Friendly Than Living in a House
When you’re looking for apartments for rent you may not realize that you are making an environmentally-friendly choice, but you are. While there are p [...]

5 Ways that Living in a Green-Friendly Apartment Can Save You Money
Everyone is looking to save a little cash, especially on living expenses. Living in a green-friendly apartment is a great way to save money every mont [...]

Green House: Eco-friendly DIY Jobs
More and more homeowners are looking to renovate and improve their properties for the greener good - and for the good of their savings! Take it upon y [...]

Green Solutions for Everyday Living
Global warming, renewable energy, sustainable development, etc. are terms that have become common through less than a decade. One of the best ways to [...]

Oliver Heaths Eco Tips to sustainable living
Oliver Heath is an architect and TV personality who believes in and practices smart eco design; he has a great record of working on key projects that [...]