It has become increasingly more and more important to make sure that your home is energy efficient. Not only because it’s good for the environment, but by decreasing the amount of energy you use, you will also cut your energy bill. While the green industry is always innovating and pushing the boundaries of what you can recycle and reuse, there are tried and tested ways of saving and creating energy for your home. Here are some of the most popular.
Knowing Your Home
If you’re wondering about your home and how it can be made more environmentally friendly, then you’ll need a good understanding about how it works and how efficient it is now. This information will help you create a plan for the future to target the areas that are not performing in the way that you want. Check out whether your home has cavity walls or single skin, whether you have any insulation already installed, etc, etc.
To support this, checking how you use your energy with an energy monitor will help you to see how much energy (and money) you use, and which areas need to be more energy efficient.
This information can help you plan changes for the short term as well as the long term. Instant changes like switching out light bulbs for energy efficient ones will make an instant difference in your energy bill, but to make a bigger difference, you may need to make bigger plans.

If your home doesn’t retain heat very well, then you are wasting energy when you try and heat it, as it’s going straight back out again. Insulation helps to keep the heat in, which means that your home will reach and retain the desired temperature using less energy. You can insulate your loft and underneath your floor, and if you have a certain type of wall, then you may be able to insulate the walls too. You can also insulate water tanks and pipes too, as they also need to retain as much heat as possible.
There are two types of appliances that operate in your home, ones that need to on all the time and those that don’t. If possible you should switch off the things that don’t need to be on when they are not in use, such as kettles, TVs and washing machines. Things like fridges may need to be on constantly, which is where major savings can be made. The more efficient these gadgets are, the bigger impact that you’ll have on your energy bill and the environment.
Finding a Contractor
Once you have a plan for how you want to transform your home into an eco-friendly haven, then you need to find someone who can help you implement it. A handyman, or a contractor, will be able to help you with your plans that you can’t do alone. Check out TheHandyPeople for a helpful service in London.