The casino industry has been really looking into the way they influence the planet. One of the many ways in which online casino sites such as online casino Australia have looked to mount a challenge against traditional land-based casinos is by presenting a way of playing casino games, which is environmentally friendly. However land-based casinos are responding by becoming equally green, and as a result they are increasing public interest in ‘green’ issues by seeking to make their services more sensitive to the environment than they perhaps have been in the past. So how exactly are they seeking to accomplish this?

Looking at major casinos such as the Hilton in Las Vegas, they have set up a ‘Project Green Team’ who are in charge of handling all aspects of this transition to a greener casino. The casino industry that is worth around $30 billion is made up of many areas, all of which can tackle its environmental impact. One notable area is the electricity consumption. Running a casino requires the use of a lot of electricity to maintain slot machine games, music heating and lighting. Many top casinos are seeking to reduce this consumption by using lighting that is more environmentally friendly such as LED lighting – which provides greater energy efficiency simply by lasting longer.
Then there is the environmental effect of the excess heat generated by the large boilers used by casinos. Now, many casinos are utilising this excess to provide power for generators, ensuring that there is little wastage. Another area where a number of casinos – including the Vegas Hilton – are looking to become more environmentally friendly is by cutting back on excess printing in departments such as IT and payroll. They are doing this by installing copiers to enable documents to be scanned and printed on both sides, while also encouraging the use of emailing and faxing. Already this has led to significant reductions, with the Hilton alone seeing a 34% reduction in paper wastage over a period of six months. What these initiatives suggest is that the casino industry is keen to maintain its success and recognises the need to address the environmental concerns of customers.