Plywood is really economical and at the same time it could be an option for attractive house siding. Plywood could be painted to look awesome and it can provide proper finishing. A good exterior plywood siding could be achieved if we give prior attention to the siding. Plywood is commonly found in four-foot wide panels and such width is good to be used than wood planks. One can buy these panels of different width as well.
Economical exterior plywood siding
Plywood of eight to twelve feet long is also available which will be comfortable to use. For exterior plywood siding one also can choose plywood of different surface finish as well. Such surface finish could be smooth in texture or rough in texture. Same as other wood material, it also requires to be painted and protected from moisture and weather. Plywood siding also can be availed in different styles and different varieties that are capable of withstanding any harsh weather conditions. Certain basic carpentry skills are necessary in installing this plywood in making sidings.

Plywood siding is comparatively cheaper than other exterior finishing possibilities. It is also found to be easier to be maintained and installed. It brings a natural feel to the house. To install the exterior plywood siding, first the plywood siding is to be kept vertical from a corner. The whole of plywood siding is then flushed with framing from the corner of the wall. While going for plywood siding it is very much important to decide the location you are going to do this. The climatic condition and the local environment play an important role in deciding the longevity and successfulness of such siding.
After every piece of plywood is installed it is important to check if they are well levelled otherwise make them levelled as per the design and requirement and also to give a good look. Using of galvanised nails to fasten the plywood is a good option as they last for good time. Using of Z-flashing could be helpful in percolating of water which prevents plywood from rot. Exterior plywood siding could be incorporated with Z-flashing between rows of plywood which will stop water from entering into the slap joints. One also can avoid rot by using plastic paints in joints.
Protecting the exterior plywood siding
Exterior plywood siding is really useful since it is economically good. While installing siding the panels require to be cut lengthwise to be worked in siding. All edge panels are required to be caulked which are seen in openings of doors and windows or at roof and corners. The electrical arrangement and vents should be done with proper care. Painting and coating of preventing layer should be done with due course and replacement should also be done. Regular and periodical look over for the rot and moist should be done to ensure good service from the plywood siding and to get proper use of the siding.