The sofas of the contemporary times are characterized by simple and straightforward designs. These sofas have soft designs and curved edges. They have steel covered base and steel legs. The shape of the contemporary sofas is simple and they generally have square cushions and flat arms. There are different styles in which these designer sofas can be found and before planning to buy one, one must have a look into the styles and designs of the different types.
Sleeper sofas
The sleeper sofas are called sofa beds. Such sofas offer two purposes: people can both sit on them as well as sleep. These sleeper sofas have one bed frame located at the base of the couch and this gives the furniture its weight. The sofa also comes with a mattress that is flexible and that can be folded along with the frame. These sleeper sofas can be found in single as well as twin sizes.

Standard style sofas
There are no special features in these sofas except the comfort they offer. This is the reason they are comparatively cheaper than the other contemporary sofas. These sofas are constructed into a single unit that is firm and immovable that is made up of the seat, back rest and the base. Some of such sofas are often found without the armrest which gives them a smooth and flowing style. The cushions can be either attachable or detachable.
Recliner sofas
These sofas have been named after their function. These sofas can recline. The back part enables such features that have one or two stretchable pieces and these can be lined up with seat cushions. These sofas are made using high technology where a foot rest comes up and lines itself up in the same line as the back reclines. Most of these recliner sofas are made following a lever function so that with the adjustment of weight on specific areas, the foot and back rest can be adjusted. Some of these sofas recline when the individual sitting on it reclines to the back.
Convertible sofas
These contemporary sofas get nearer to the sleeper kind in their features. They have one bed when they open up. But there is no bed frame attached as it is in a sleeper sofa. The cushions can be unfolded to have the bed ready. The back part of these sofas can be spread backwards completely to have a full bed. These sofas need no extra mattresses and are cheaper compared to the sleeper kinds.
Sectional sofas
The sectional sofas have detachable parts so that the entire unit can be moved wherever needed. Some of these contemporary sofas also have a foot rest and a reclining back while the others may come with a chaise.
You can buy large corner sofas at Sitting and Sleeping at great online prices! Just the thing to improve your living room.