Gardening is not only a great way to create a more beautiful space and enjoy a bounty of delicious home-grown foods, it can do wonders for your well-being. Studies have shown that gardening can relieve stress and boost the immune system by getting that all-important vitamin D from the sun. But if you’re just starting out, where do you begin?
While you could hire someone to assist, these DIY garden ideas offer less expensive ways to add to the garden you have or get one started after buying that new home among the Charleston houses for sale.
UpcycleBy Turning an Old Wheelbarrow Into a Planter
Upcycling has become a popular way to turn something unwanted into something useful, going a step beyond recycling. Many contemporary designers have been borrowing on this philosophy to turn old materials into cleverly manipulated furnishings and decor, and it definitely has its place in a home garden too. One great example is an unused or broken wheelbarrow, which is easy to transform into a planter. Simply fill it with potting soil and plant colorful flowers. If you want to get creative, buy some paint and make it a work of art.

Create Attractive Garden Storage Out of Old Crates
Storage for tools, pots, accessories, shoes, and other items you need for your garden can be organized attractively by using old wooden crates. Turn them upside down and stack them to create fashionable shelving. You might add some plants in between to make it even more appealing. If possible, attach the crates securely to a fence behind them so that they don’t topple over.
Rain Barrel
A rain barrel not only adds décor to your garden, but it has a great function that can help you save on your water bill while reducing the impact on the environment. Plus, rainwater is ideal for hydrating your plants, a much better alternative than city water which contains things like chlorine and fluoride. While it will take a little time, you can easily get one built in less than a day using a trash can or plastic drum by following the instructions at Family Handyman here.
Bird Bath
One of the best ways to make your garden more attractive is to add a birdbath. It will not only make it more attractive to humans, but to birds as they need a dependable supply of water for bathing and drinking. The good news is that you don’t have to spend much to get one, and they’re extremely easy to put together. For less than $20, you could build one using a few wood dowels or broom handles, some paint, and an IKEA candle plate, as per the instructions on The Art of Doing Stuff. Or DIY a planter that doubles as a birdbath in only a couple of hours, using a small and a larger planter. The smaller one holds water for the birds, while the larger planter can hold gorgeous blooms as Mami Talks outlines.
Add a Fire Pit
Want to enjoy sitting around a fire with family and friends in your own backyard? A fire pit can surprisingly be put together in just a couple of hours, built using bricks or cinder blocks to provide a great place to cozy up to. Just be sure to check the local building codes for any rules regarding fire pits in your area, and choose a level, flat area away from any low hanging trees and your house or any other structures. HGTV offers simple instructions here.