9 Ideas to Transform the Storage Space under the Stairs

Do you have a small house?  Insufficient storage space is bothering you? Don’t worry we have come up with some modern DIY ideas that can enhance your interior and make it more aesthetic, harmony and ambient. Inadequate space makes the house look messy and cluttered. Fortunately, there are various ways by which you can solve this problem. One of the most efficacious solutions is to use the space under the stairs. If you do not like to craft or want to waste time you can seek help from the professional designer. But if love crafts, then there are some DIY ways to make use of the under stairs space.

Storage space under the stairs

Storage space under the stairs

There are various ways to use the storage space under the stairs like you can create a small kitchen or expand your kitchen. You can also use the space by using shelves, by making a decorative cabinet. Cabinets look decorative even if you don’t keep any vase or flowers. A wooden cabinet with engraved patterns looks aesthetically pleasing.

Extra storage space under the stairs

Extra storage space under the stairs

Your extra storage space under the stairs is an ideal place for your books. You can create a bookshelf, it will be easy to access, not only for children but for elders also. But don’t keep any fragile items it might break while taking out any book.

Storage space under basement stairs

If you want to use the storage space under the basement, there are various ways. You can make a wooden cabinet and keep all the unwanted items. Also, the items that are used very rarely in your regular activities. This usage space will not only empty your home, but it will also make your house look clean with limited things.

Creating storage space under stairs

To create a storage space under the stairs you need to make some horizontal and vertical cabinets. However, it will depend upon the type of stairs you have. The steeper the stair angle the wider space will be. Keep this in mind while designing your staircase.

Building storage space under stairs

If your house is full of essentials and not have any decorative item. You can build storage space under stairs and can use it to keep all the decorative items like some fresh flowers, vase, photo frames etc. Keeping these items will not only enhance your home decoration but also use the space properly.

 Adding storage space under stairs

Don’t have any space for artwork? Don’t worry we will help you with some ideas. You can create irregular shapes and use the adding storage space under stairs. Shapes do not necessarily mean square or rectangle, it can be of any shape. However, these look more interesting and give a unique outlook to your room decoration.

DIY storage space under stairs

Do you love crafts? Also, are you ready to squeeze some time from your daily routine? If the answer is yes, then we have a plethora of suggestions for DIY storage space under stairs. Which will not only enhance the decoration, but it will also wisely use the space.

Storage space under the staircase

Storage space should not necessarily look mundane and boring. You can add display shelves and keep some decorative items to beautify the place. You can also magnify your decoration with lightings. This will make your storage under staircase look more beautiful.

 Storage space under stairs ideas

There are various ways through which you can use your storage space. You can get the storage space under stairs ideas from the professionals or the DIY crafts from us or you can create your unique designs to beautify the space.