Water is one of the most prolific environmental estates that is available to human beings. The topic of water management raises much interest not only among homeowners but also for the society as a whole. Managing water translates into conserving it within our household. That sure saves us some money via sleek utility bills. Amongst the many ways of water consumption are the easily implementable devices that check on water efficiency. When applied, these installations quickly cut the water consumption of your home by almost a third, without your changing your lifestyle consciously. Let’s talk about water management system for your home at length via the below methods.
Managing Water within Homes
Nowadays, new homes come with water and energy saving appliances. But what if you are living in an older home? Don’t ponder too much on your dilemma. Install water management appliances without a second thought. They are worth it. A simple act like fixing your leaking faucets can save huge amounts of water, as the leak might be up to 100 litres a day. Again, upgrading your old wash machines and dish washers to newer versions that are water conscious is sure to save water and your bill.

Managing Water outside Homes
A lot of water is put to use when swimming pools and lush green lawns have to be taken care of. These additions guzzle up a majority of the household water supply. Planting trees and shrubs rather than lawns can actively save water outdoors. Get expert advice on home landscaping techniques which use planting specific types of trees and plants that take up less water than others.
Recycled Water
Why allow the precious rain water to go down the drain? Have rain barrels and cisterns in place to hold the rain water. Making room for them near the plants that you want to water will improve the water management of your house. You may also consider recycling the waste water from your appliances. That sure enhances your water supply and manages the resources within the house. Just ensure that proper filtration system is in place to reuse the water.
Alter your Home Design
Making slight change in the interior and exterior layout of your property can immensely improve water management. In buildings where water regularly enters the premise, the damage can be minimized by installing appliances, hot water heaters, electrical panels and furnaces above typical flood level on concrete or wooden blocks. When upgrading, employ water-resistant building materials. When the basement is prone to flooding, better keep it unfinished.
Wet and Dry Flood Proofing
Where flooding is common, use wet flood-proofing, though it allows entry of floodwaters into the home; it can prove to be a good strategy. When large volumes of flood water are denied, extreme pressure gets exerted against walls and foundations; this reduces their structural integrity. Properly positioning flood vents allow floodwaters the entry and exit in the home’s enclosed lower levels. Thus equilibrium between outside and inside pressures against walls is reached. Dry flood-proofing is done by installing watertight shields on doors and windows and plastering walls with waterproof sealants.
Water System Controller
Home owners can now choose energy management systems that give the buyers control over their water usage apart from maintaining air conditioner, pool pump and electric water heater with their computer, tablet or smart phone. Programs can be created efficiently to monitor energy and water usage to save money. Such solutions are great for especially those who stay away from home for extended period of time.
Garden irrigation, installation of innovative plumbing and filtration systems, swimming pool maintenance are some of the sure shot ways to trim your household water usage. Actively handling these things will ensure enough water supply to suit your house needs- both indoors and in the yard at the same time.