Moving house can be a very stressful experience, especially if you have to focus on having your deposit returned, the cleaning of the old house and disbanding of your council tax and any utilities. The last thing you need to waste more time on is a removal’s company. Working with a removal company means that you have work around their schedule instead of your own. If you want to keep your moving schedule running smoothly, here are some ideas of how to progress without their help.

Organise your possessions accordingly
Once you have a made a list of all the possessions you wish to take with you, and have donated what you don’t need to charity, then be sure you have all the wrapping and box materials to ensure your personal items do not break on the journey to your new home.
Package each box with a soft inside, such as with cotton, paper or bubble wrap, and make sure that there is a towel or dish cloth that covers your more fragile objects, like cups, teapots or plates. Once you have completed a box, make sure that you can actually lift it. If the box is more than 30 pounds then you may hurt your back whilst trying to move it. Keep safe and only pack the minimum amount for each box.
Get your Friends on Board
An easy way to transport your possessions quickly to your new house is to ask your friends to get on board with the moving process. After promising payment in either a meal, drinks or entertainment, they may be willing to help you pack, clean the house, or even drive some of your possessions to your new house. This can really quicken the overall moving process, especially if you have to make more than one trip. Once you have all unpacked together then be sure to offer them the place to stay for the night or to have drinks, it’s the least you can do to say thank you!
Hire your Own Van
Whilst you may think the only way to get a van is to a hire removal service, this is not the case. Anyone with a driver’s licence can drive their own moving vehicle as long as it is under a certain height, in other words if it is small or medium-sized.
Before you buy your moving van, be sure to consider its size and cost by checking out comparison websites, such as “Compare the Man and Van” Hiring your own van will give the freedom to change your moving schedule when required, as well as plan ahead to ensure that you are paying as much as you like for your fuel, which is great for when you are on a budget.
You can even bring your kids along in the van either in the front, or sitting inside the back with the boxes to ensure they remain stable. As your removal teams tend to have more experience with packing up boxes to ensure they remain from falling over, your kids can keep an eye on the packages and inform you if you are going to fast on the road.