Whether the sun is out or not, us Brits love our gardens. We tend to it in all seasons, to make sure that it is always looking its best. Many of us have garden sheds or outhouses too, that may be full with tools, plants or other outdoor furniture, such as barbeques and garden furniture.
It’s important to know that all your belongings are kept safe, and surprisingly, many of us don’t think about how important it is to keep your garden safe. Here are some top tips on keeping yours protected:

You would be amazed at just how many people don’t think to check whether their standard home insurance covers their garden. Many gardens aren’t covered due to the fact that the levels of protection needed can vary hugely, and therefore make costs rocket. Many insurance policies do have some form of garden protection included, but some of them are capped at as little as £250, so it is worth double checking.
Locks and Bolts
It may seem like a no-brainer, but make sure if you have a shed or outhouse, that they are closed using a sturdy lock. Many sheds do not come with locks, and only a simple latch; this is when thieves will think they have found an easy target. Keeping your fence in a good state of repair is important too. When you leave your garden after a day of tending to the plants, just check your locks are properly closed and working properly.
Probably the most secure way of looking after your garden is to use a gate. If a thief can’t get into your garden to start with, then all the other security measures simply become backups. You can get lots of different styles and sizes of gates; you can find a great selection of electric gates from Portcullis.
Cameras and Lighting
A security camera installed on the exterior of your house is a fantastic way to scare off potential thieves. Security lighting that uses automatic detection is great too, as it will rapidly light up anyone trying to make their way onto your property.
Tidy Up
This may seem like an obvious one, but many people wouldn’t think twice about putting away their garden furniture or tools after using them, especially if they are planning on doing the same thing the next day. This is however, an open ended invitation for thieves to steal anything you have left out. Don’t leave anything of value in sight of potential robbers.
Don’t leave it until too late, you can secure your garden in a few simple steps and ensure that all your belongings remain just where you left them.